This weekend

Morning guys! Happy Monday, right? No no no, there's nothing good about Monday's, unless you get to stay at home while everyone else goes to school/work. But no luxury like that for me today, school started already at 8.35 AM. Now I have a 1 h 10 min English lesson ahead of me, then marketing and then lunch. I'm sooo looking forward to lunch...
So this weekend was a lot of fun. Firstly, I wwent to Ammi's birhtday party on Friday, as I've already told you before. Then I slept until probably 11 AM on Saturday. I would've slept longer, but I needed to get up and get ready for my Saturday afternoon-activity for around 4 months from now. That's a... modeling class!
So I've started attending this "modeling class" at Marikas Dance and Model Studio in central Stockholm. I heard about it while listening to the radio and thought it sounded interesting, so I searched about it on the Internet. I found the website, read a bit about the class and liked what they had to offer, so I signed in! On Saturday it was the first class and I was so nervous. I arrived about 15 minutes before the class would start, just sat and waited for the class to start. When it was around 5 minutes left I started to get a bit worried, because there was only me and an another girl there.
But then, when was just a couple of minutes left, a dance class ended and a lot of people from that class attended the modeling class. First, we entered the studio/dance hall and sat down. Our teacher, Marika herself, talked about what was included in the class, about what theme we're going to have on our fashion show at the end (which will be influenced by the exhibition "THE FASHION WORLD OF JEAN PAUL GAULTIER: From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk").
Then we got to walk in heels the whole class, train on our skills (mine were awful, compared to the others), posing at the end of the "runway" and so on. It really didn't go as well as I was hoping, but since I don't have really that much experience when it comes to walking in heels, there's no wonder it went the way it did.
So I'll have to work my ass of at home, practicing to walk at least okey in heels so that I can rock that runway after this course has ended. Make-up lessons, photoshoots and stuff like that are also included.
I had a lot of fun and I have so much exciting stuff to look forward to!
Taken from their website

Yesterday's fun

Goodmorning! Or if you've been up for a while, good afternoon or something. For me it's morning since I just woke up after yesterday's fun. Yesterday my friend Ammi and her friend celebrated their 18th birthdays by throwing a party, which was so much fun. There were a lot of new people, some familiar faces and my friends and I. It was really nice to change the environment and socialize with different people. We danced all night long, so my legs hurt a bit. Here are some pics from last night, taken by me or my friends:
The dancefloor was full of smoke, therefore the super bad quality
The girls!
Yet another picture of us, unfortunately none with the birthday girl. From left to rigth: Patricia, me, Annelie and Nicolina. Fun night!

Delicious mornings

Morning guys!
Now I'm at school, social science class is about to end, but we still have an another class before lunch. Why this torture?! I'm seriously dying of hunger here! Fun things happening this weekend, starting with today/tonight, but more about that later today... I just thought I'd check in here so you don't think I died or anything, hahah!
Have a great day everyone!
I definately wouldn't say no to this for breakfast!

What I've been up to

Afternoon everyone!
It's very soon Friday, everyone's favourite day of the week. For me it's no exception. Especially this Friday and this weekend is gonna be filled with lots of fun stuff that I'm really excited about! But more about that tomorrow...
I just wanted to share some recent photos of what's been going on for me, knowing that I've almost only written fashion stuff and not so much personal things. Sooo...
My weekly tradition with PLL/Ravenswood and Exotic Snacks was being held. Such great shows and oh so yummy snacks!
Today I decided to chill a bit and watch The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2013 and enjoy some cottage cheese with peanut butter. AMAZING COMBO!!!

Maintain your health during the flu season


When you’re feeling under the weather, every second spent in bed feels like hours, and every day feels like weeks. You can forget having fun with friends or even working out. All plans come to a halt, which I absolutely hate.

Flu season peaks during this time of the year, so now is the time to really focus your energy on staying healthy. Luckily I’ve gathered a few tips for stopping that cold or flu as soon as you feel it coming. Getting sick is impossible sometimes, so here are a few things you can do to speed up your recovery…



1. Prop yourself up with pillows. Keeping your head elevated at night helps your nasal passages stay open. So if you’re feeling a bit congested, grab a couple extra pillows and sleep so that you’re almost sitting up straight. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and able to breathe better.

2. Take a hot shower. Whether you’re coughing or sneezing, the steam from a hot shower or humidifier will loosen up the congestion in your head and chest. Studies also show that very humid air can be toxic to viruses.

3. Drink up. As you probably know by now, staying hydrated is a key to feeling better. If you’re already feeling sick, drinking lots of liquids will thin congestion and keep your throat moist. If you’re tired of plain old water, try hot tea, clear chicken or vegetable broth, or infused water for some added flavor.

4. Get a good night’s sleep. It might seem obvious that getting enough sleep is important for staying healthy. But just how important is it? Studies show that people who get less than seven hours of sleep on average are three times more likely to get a cold than those who snooze for eight hours or more. (Yep, you read that right.) So if you feel a cold or flu coming on, make sure you’re getting plenty of shut-eye.

5. Take a ‘mega dose’ of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is proven to shorten the duration of a cold or flu once it’s started. So if you feel a sickness coming on, pop an Emergen-C, airborne, or other mega-dose of Vitamin C.

6. Gargle with salt water. If you have a sore throat, salt water will help ease the pain naturally. Not only does the salt help reduce inflammation in your throat, but the rinse also flushes out bacteria and viruses. Try adding a half a tablespoon of salt to 8 ounces of warm water.

7. Eat immunity boosting foods. I truly believe that you are what you eat. If you put good things into your body, you will be rewarded with good things in return.Foods that boost the immune system is something everyone needs right now. Your body’s immune system works hard every day to fight off diseases and maintain a healthy, functioning body. With that said, it’s about time to treat your body like the temple it is by stocking up on the cold fighting eats above…

Beautiful morning sun and breakfast

Good morning!
Today I had to wake up a bit earlier than usual on Wednesdays, because three other students from my class and I had a meeting with a teacher about some stuff regarding her learning type etc. It was productive, we achieved some changes that were necessary, unless you want to get depressed because of school.
Anyway, I had a delicious breakfast, a bit different than what I usually have, which is yoghurt and muesli with some tea. Today it was tea as always, but this time also cottage cheese with a tomatoe cut into pieces and a bit of leek. I don't know if you've tried anything like this before, but you should definately try it out. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on top to make it even more delicious!
Later this day I'll of course post about the second day of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week here in Stockholm. So keep an eye on the blog for more fashion!
The sun turned out really interesting in this photo

Sweet mornings

Goodmorning everyone!
Today I'm staying at home, not feeling well. It's the winter sports day at school today and I really didn't feel well enough to be marching around in the cold for 5-6 hours. Instead, I'll be cosying up here, watching movies, drinking coffee and tea, and unfortenately doing some homework aswell.
But, to make this day more fun for everyone, I thought I'd make you in a good mood by sharing one of my biggest interests - baking! I just love to bake! Cupcakes, cakes, bisquits, cookies, you name it, I've done it. The fun part is eating it all up, tasting what delicious creations your effort has resulted in. There's really nothing better!
When I see pictures like the ones below, my imagination really sparks and I get this almost uncontrollable desire to just get in the kitchen and make some yummy things.
Get your kitchens ready, because you're about to get inspired!



Seriously, though?

I say that I'll do better with the updates and the day after it's worse than ever? Way to go Ruta!
Today hasn't been anything special, stayed at home all day because I wasn't feeling well. In the morning sissie and I watched KUWTK (Keeping Up With The Kardashians) and then I did some homework (math). I've also just been watching a lot of model-videos and enjoying the last free day before yet another week at school.
Next week is gonna be so much fun for a bunch of different reasons, and sometimes a bit duller for other. However, I'll try to make the best of it and enjoy it to the fullest. What else is there to do?
Hope you guys have had a nice and relaxing weekend!
Gorgeous girls!

Keep me warm

I'd like to begin with apologizing for not being as "fun" and interesting on here lately. I've been feeling a bit under the weather, which has resulted in me not being to excited about anything, which has made the blog suffer a bit. Unfortunately it's not getting any better, but I'll just hold on and try to get through it with as little damage as possible, both here and in real life.
Today I headed into the city to hunt for some winter shoes, which I told you about some time ago. This time the trip was succesful, thank God. The boots I bought are black, just below the knee boots with some gold details. They're from Din Sko, you can see a photo below.
I also bought a mask for my friend Ammi's birthday party that is this Friday, I'm really looking forward to it! I really like this mask and hopefully it'll go well with my dress. The only problem that needs a solution is the shoe question... What shoes should I wear? I'm definately not thinking about heels, since I want to be able to walk home without getting a lift with some strange dudes. I also don't want to get too cold, but I still want to look nice... Hmm, this is gonna be a tough one.
Anyways, I'm soon gonna do some math homework and then later this evening we're having a little family-time, which will be very nice!

Well said, Blair


Take me away

Oh how I miss sumemr during days like these. It's cold, grey and snowing, not something I enjoy that much. Sure, it's nice ith winter, cosying up at home with a cup of coffee or tea in front of a good movie or a book. But not so fun when wet snow is blowing in your face while you're tramping through mounds of snow to get to the bus/train in time, just to find out that it's late. No, not really the ideal picture of how winter should be. So hopefully it will dissapear quite soon and spring and warmth will be on it's way!
In the meantime, he're some pics from last summer, all from our trip to Bulgaria. Dreaming myself away now...

Top ten Instagram accounts

Left to right, top to bottom: @anouskapb  @mirandakerr  @skinnybikinibody and @befitsmoothies
I'm not sure how much time a day I spend on Instagram, but if I would guess I'd say a couple of hours. I'm not one of those people who update all the time, but I find it really interesting and fun to look at other peoples' photos (especially celebrities, as you'll see below).
We all have our favourite Instagram accounts. While following over 300 accounts, I've had quite a struggle picking out my top ten, but here they are, in no specific order:
Barbara Palvin: @realbarbarapalvin
Candice Swanepoel: @angelcandices
Healthy recipies: @_healthylife
Great model pictures: @futurefaces
Miranda Kerr: @mirandakerr
Amazing health inspiration and ideas: @skinnybikinibody
Fashion inspiration and ideas: @anouskapb
Healthy and delicious smoothies: @befitsmoothies
Ieva Avei, model: @ievaqavei
Constance Jablonski: @constjablonski
Who are your favourite accounts? I'm always looking for new inspiration.

Positive thinking




This will be a long week

That's how it feels right now, that this week will never end. In my opinion, you should go to school/work for 4 days a week, and have 3 days free. Imagine how nice that would be? Not only to get one day less of school or work, but also get an extra day to meet frinds, family, have some self-time and just do what you like to do and enjoy life!
School is quite chaotic at the moment. Not in form of exams and stuff like that, but we have so many substitutes, I'm not really sure what grade I have in some of the subjects. For example Social Studies is a complete mess. But hopefully it will all turn out fine and we'll all be able to be graded fairly.
Yesterday's Zumba went great and I'm really looking forward to today's yoga class. But before that I'll watch the latest episode of "Pretty Little Liars" and also "Ravenswood" if I have time. Of course it will be accompanied with some Exotic Snacks, this has literally become a little tradition of mine. Really looking forward to this part actually!
Have a great day everyone!
Seira my little cutiepie

Fruity breakfast

Today started with a delicious fruit breakfast. Banana, clementines and peanut butter was on the menu. It may seem like a little, but it's only because I'm heading to the gym in like five minutes, and if you eat too much before working out you can feel sick. Of course I don't want that. Besides, it's proven that it's better to eat fruit in the morning for some reason, maybe because your stomach is empty, I don't really know. But as long as it's good for me, I'm doing it!
School starts at 2PM today (talk about unnecessary), but I'm gonna head there earlier so that I can eat lunch and blog a little more for you guys!
Have a great day!


Monday yet again, "hurray"!
Imagine if MOnday's didn't exist, wouldn't that be great? Or if it was a weekend day? I wish...
For now it's school on the schedule, with a Spanish presentation about a song after lunch. I'll have to stand in front of half the class and talk in Spanish about the song I picked, the artist and why I picked the song.
I'm so nervous! It doesn't feel like I know what I'm gonna say and I hate it. I always feel like this before an oral presentation like this one, but it usually goes better than you expect it too, so I have hope.
After school today I'm gonna go shoe-shopping, since i broke the zipper on my right shoe yesterday. Hopefully there be some gorgeous warm boots to cover my footies. I can't decide if I should go for long or short ones though... We'll see, if I find some I'll post the pictures.
Have a great Monday at work/school/home!

A passion for design

One of my bigger passions in life is interior design. I just love to completely transform a room, make it represent the person who lives there in the best possible way. Sadly, I haven't had that much experience in the subject, since the only room I've redone is my own. But now after I've done it I feel so much happier being there, being able to look around and like what I see. Knowing that I've achieved it all by myself is a great plus aswell.
I'd really love to do more of this, to get the chance to create a home, just how I'd like it to be. Therefore I just can't wait until I get to move out and find my own place, it's going to be incredible to be able to decide and decorate verything just how I like it. If I have the luck to live with my dear friend Agnes, it's gonna be even more fun. Since we have quite a similar taste in furniture and details and stuff, it's not gonna be hard for us to come along. To share it all with someone who's equally excited about it, now that's amazing!
Here are some pics that really get my creative mind going!


Morning everyone!
I stayed at home today, Friday's horse-riding class must have taken a toll on me. It was really cold and I didn't have enough clothes on to keep me warm, so I felt literally like an ice cube during the class. Then during yesterday's work I constantly had a headache, no matter how many pain pills I took, it just wouldn't go away.
So here I am now, blogging, doing some last editing on the Marketing assignment and just trying to enjoy the last free day before school starts again tomorrow.
Here are some pics from this morning.
Breakfast was the usual, vanilla tea with lactosfree vanilla yoghurt and Paulüns müesli.
Cutiepie laying in her day-bed.
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