Summer times
I feel so bad for not writing here in what feels like ages! The last couple of weeks were crazy, but now that summer vacation is around the corner, I finally have some more time for doing (almost) whatever I want.
This past week has been so much fun!
I had my last exam for this school year on Tuesday, and as always for this subject, I overstudied. So hopefully it went great, or else I'm gonna be so upset.
Then on Wednesday my sister and I went to the stables and attended an extra horseriding lesson, since we'd missed some. She's way better than me at this, since she's done it for 6 years, but somehow we still ended up in a group that was even better than she is, so you can imagine how I felt struggling through the woods on the back of a horse I've never been on before.
On Thursday it was all about the dress rehearsal for Marika's show, and it didn't go too well. I forgot some things in our choreography, so I was a bit nervous.
On Friday we had another rehearsal at noon. The first show started at 3 PM and it went great! It was so much fun to stand on the stage, the lights shining, in front of around 500 people doing our thing. I had the honour to open our segment and it felt amazing. I could do this all the time!
I know text isn't so muvh fun to read, and since pictures say more than words, he're some photos from Friday's shows!

Some great dance performances and a funny face-selfie. Sorry for the horrible quality of my phone's camera!
Some great words to start your day with
Summer, I'm longing for you
Because the world looks better in black & white

Yep, this one's without any make-up.
Chocolate chip/raspberry white chocolate chip cookies
Due to a request, this post is going to be about the cookies I baked for Easter. They're really simple to make, especially if you have a food processor, and they taste heavenly!
So check them out and don't think twice about making them, you won't regret it!
Also below you'll find some photos from when I made them.
Here's the recipe:

The amount of chocolate chips is definately not set, it depends on weather you like a lot of chips or more of the cookie.
For the raspberry white chocolate cookies I just switched the medium/dark chocolate with white and added some frozen raspberries.
Store the cookies in an airtight container, otherwise they loose their mush.
Hope you enjoy them and make sure to let me know if you ever atempt to make them, I'm so curious about your results!

Chocolate chip cookies in the making...

... and also the raspberry chocolate chip cookies
Just ordered...
Today was a really nice day! I woke up, went to the gym quite early, got home and ate breakfast in the sun while watching "Game of Thrones" with my little cutie by my side. Could you ask for a better way to start the day? Then I went shopping before my modeling class and bought some nice stuff, which I'll show you later. Then I got home, relaxed, ate a super delicious dinner and now I'm soon off to bed. Great day, right?
Tomorrow though, is gonna be filled with studying, so I may not post anything here. But keep an eye on it, in case I will.
Hope you've all had a great day and really enjoyed the weather!

Breakfast in the fresh air

Seira decided to sunbath next to me

A beautiful church surrounded by a park I saw on my way home
Beautiful Stockholm
Today I have the literature exam, so I'm a bit early at school to study for it. I brought some coffee with me (since all those Espresso House bills are strating to pile up) and up until now I've watched an episode of Bones and studied for the test. Hopefully it will go smoothly, I feel quite good about it, but you can never be completely sure.
Yesterday was such a beautiful day, which you can see in the photo below. Stcokholm is actually such a beautiful city, which I've come to realize now that the sun's been out and the weather's been amazing. I also bought a Ben & Jerry Greek Style Strawberry Shortcake ice-cream (wow, what a long name!). It tasted exactly like their Strawberry Cheesecake, which is one of my favourites, but I was a bit dissapointed, since I expected something new. But it was so delicious, and it has a bit fewer calories, which is definately a plus!
Have a great day and good luck to all of you who also have tests/exams coming up!

Beautiful part of the harbor in the city, photo taken on my way home yesterday

Weekend + break summary
Afternoon everyone!
I haven't been on here in quite some time, and that's because I've been working Mon-Thur the past week, at the same time as turning in a huge essay (during Easter break, I know!), being with family and friends and getting ready for Easter. It's been a really nice break, I've felt like I've relaxed a lot, at the same time as getting things done. During the free time of my break I've met up with some friends from elementary school, working out 4/7 days, cleaning, baking, painting eggs and all the other things you do when getting ready for spring and Easter.
Also, my dear Agnes came by for a sleepover Sunday through Monday. We met up in the city to buy some ice-cream (my first of the year!), take pretty photos of the cherry blossoms in Kungsträdgården and just enjoy the sun. We also took a little walk along the harbor while eating our ice-creams. The weather was really warm and it was so beautiful outside. After a while we got back to my place and just did what we always do on our sleepovers, eat a lot of bad things like chips and candy and cookies and cupcakes and so on, watch movies and talk way past midnight. The next day unfortunately Agnes got to leave quite early, so we didn't really have time to do that much then. When she left my sister and I just chilled on the balcony, enjoying the warm sun and hoping to get at least a little bit of color (which of course didn't happen to me).
Anyways, I have this exam on literature tomorrow, so I'd better study a bit now. But I'll check in tomorrow with some other nice photos!

Getting ready for Easter by baking traditional chocolate chip cookies...

...and white chocolate and raspberry cookies (also some cupcakes which I'll show you some other time)

Seira enjoying the sun in the balcony

Beautiful cherry blossoms in Kungsträdgården

Agnes and I under the pretty flowers enjoying the sun and the warm weather
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
This is such a joyful day, not only for all the Christians (well, mainly), but also for the whole world! The sun is shining, the're amazingly smelling flowers in the air and the weather is clear and warm. I could not imagine a better day for celebrating Easter and the ressurection of Jesus.
Have a beautiful day filled with love, warmth and of course a lot of candy!
Saturday lovin'
Hello everyone!
I just love Saturday's! Mainly it's because it's the one day that I've decided that I don't do any homework, unless it's absolutely critical. Also because Saturday's are such lovely days, since you can wake up at any time you'd like, go to the gym in the morning while it's still quite empty, just chill and watch series and of course, my modeling classes.
Saturday's for me mean being free and doing what I like, which is absolutely amazing!
Now I'm gonna head off to the modeling class, then I'll just chill a bit in a café somewhere until I go to Pressbyrån for another lesson, like the one yesterday.
Have a great Saturday you guys!

Yes, it's finally here. The most loved day of the week, Friday!
Friday's for me mean long mornings and long days. School ends at 4.20PM, whereafter I have to rush home, get dressed and go to the stable and my weekly horseriding lessons.
Today was a particurarly stressfull day, because I had to hurry incredibly much after my horseriding lesson, so that I could be at Pressbyrån in time. It all worked out very well, above my anticipation.
This week has been really nice, not that stressfull and really fun.
Also, a BIG Happy Birthday to my dear friend Annelie who's turning 18 today. Hurray!
Now you all have a great Friday evening and I'll see ya'll tomorrow!

A really cool picture in my opinion from today's PE class. It's me doing the bridge!
March in pictures
Evening guys!
Thought I'd share a little summary of last month, March. All photos are taken from my Instagram account @rutamozuraityte. Feel free to follow me for more details on what I'm up to when I'm not updating here.
But here's a small compilation...

All pictures from @rutamozuraityte
1. Coming back from Lithuania and doing a summary of my time there.
2. Many coffee dates that month...
3. of which was with my sissie, with "The Book Thief" afterwards.
4. Met some "Top Model Sweden" contestants, here with Astrid...
5. ... Elzana...
6. ...and Kevin.
7. Sissies birthday was in the middle of March. A beautiful bouquet of tulips shown here.
8. A little Throwback Thursday nostalgia, remembering the good old days, sniffing a beautiful flowery bush.
9. It was so nice that many celebrities aknowledged World Water Day. I did a regram of Candice Swanepoels entry about it.
So that was my March, in very short terms. Hopefully this month will be even more exciting and interesting, so that I'll have funnier things to update about. Until then, have a great rest of the week!
It's been way too long
Hi everyone!
Have you missed me? Hahah, but really, it has been way too long since the last time I wrote here. I'll admit it, I haven't had any desire to write here for a long time, mostly because nothing really special has been going on and I didn't want to write here just because I felt like I had to. But lately, I've found myself taking photos or experiencing certain things and thinking "I have to write about this on my blog". But I never did. And now the feeling that I want to start again has been creeping on me, so I picked myself together and am now spending some time writing this text.
Okey, so what's been going on? Well, since my last real update (my dear sissies birthday) not so much has happened. To give an overview in a few words I've basically done this: a sleepover with Agnes and finally booking our London-trip (!!!!!!!!!), done some spring gardening (pretty flowers will be the main photographic thing on here in a few weeks), got my Easter break work schedule, been going to my modeling classes, had coffee with friends and celebrated my friend Bea's birthday this last Saturday.
I know that it can be quite annoying with a lot of text, so I'm gonna stop right here and give you some photos.
Bye guys!

Planting some beautiful flowers

My one and only coffee date: Agnes. Our passion for coffee is shown in a great way in this pick, her flat white to the left, my green smoothie in the middle and my cappuccino on the right.

At Bea's birthday party, the cakes were so delicious!
What's on my mind
Healthy(er) scones
Today was such a nice day!
I woke up at 6AM (which probably was the only bad thing today), since my marketing project group was supposed to meet up at school at 8.30AM. Though some people were late, we still managed to get started quite fast. We got a lot done and can now focus on our individual parts of the project in the upcoming weeks.
So this took about 2 hours, which ment that it was 10.30AM when I left school, bought some lunch and headed back home. I made a quick stop at the gym, to have a kind of a test training, to see how my body reacts after feeling under the weather these last couple of weeks. Up until now it's been feeling great, so my hopes are up!
When I got home I just chilled, watched "The Walking Dead", took care of mom (she's feeling a bit under the weather aswell) and made these delicious healthy scones. Now I'm not sure how healthy they really are, but I switched around 2/3 of all the flour to some courser, healthier options.
Write below in the comments if you'd like the recipe!
Have a nice evening!

But for now, let's sleep

Busy weekend
Oh yeah, it really has been. It sure feels like it, anyway...
On Saturday I had to wake up really early, 6AM (!), to get ready for work. Like I've explained earlier, I sometimes work as an exam guard (if you can call it that). Basically I sit there and make sure no one cheats or anything like that. Of course there's a bit of work, too. You have to prepare for the exam by placing out all the papers and then sort them out once the test is finished. But overall, it's a quite chill job.
Then after that I went home, bought some candy and just enjoyed the rest of the day.
Today after mass there was this meeting for all the church attendants, which wasn't much fun, except for the cinnamon buns we got to enjoy. After that it was practically straight home to study for this Spanish exam I have tomorrow. It seems like all I do is study for exams, right? Fact is, there's really a lot of them, at least where I go to school. So boring, there's tons of stuff I'd like to do instead, but no no, no fun while you're young, right?
Got to stop here before I get even more pessimistic! Have a great upcoming week everyone!

A couple of food pics, the first one's from Saturday during a break and the second one is from today: yummy strawberry soygurt with sliced banana!
Do what you love

Trip to Lithuania last week
Last Thursday my family and I went to Lithuania, since it was a year since my grandma passed away, and after one year's time you have a gathering in their memory. Even though the reason why we went there wasn't positive, I still managed to have quite a good time.
We arrived late on Thursday night. On Friday the rest of the family had different arrends to run, while I stayed at home and studied for a math test that I was having on Tuesday. When the family was done with the boring stuff, we went out to eat lunch before heading to Marijampole and my mom's sister. Since it was Friday, and that means fast, we went to a vegetarian restaurant. It was so incredibly delicious! I've never eaten more delicious vegeterian food. I ordered these vegetable patties with salsa sauce and rice, and it was like heaven in my mouth! Everyone else's food was delicious too, but mine was the yummiest of them all!
After that mom and sissie went to the hairdresser, so I walked around a bit in the mall, looking at clothes, buying macarons and deciding on a new mascara (from Essence this time).
The next day was the gathering and it was really nice to meet all the relatives from mom's side of the family. They're so nice and funny, it's always a pleasure to be with them. After that we just chilled at home, watching this Turkish series called "Muhteşem Yüzyıl" or in English "The Magnificent Century".
Then on Sunday we woke up really early to be able to visit my other grandparents before we left for Sweden. So we made a quick stop for lunch and then we went back to Vilnius. Later that day it was off to Sweden, but unfortenately th trip wasn't all that nice for me. Since I had a bit of a cold, it was really painfull to fly at such a high height. I survivied, but I still don't hear quite properly on my right ear. Hopefully it will all be over soon!
So that's the reason why I didn't update anything at all this weekend. For the almost zero updates during the week you have to blame my PE teacher for giving us a huge assignment due today at 8PM.

On the bus, playing a bit with the filters

Beautiful view of the Swedish country

A yummy bomb of healthyness before the trip

My super delicious vegetarian dish

Sissies also delicious veggie dish

A poster from the series. My aunt says that I look like the one on the rear right, Alexandra. Do you agree?

On our way back home