What's on my mind
Healthy(er) scones
Today was such a nice day!
I woke up at 6AM (which probably was the only bad thing today), since my marketing project group was supposed to meet up at school at 8.30AM. Though some people were late, we still managed to get started quite fast. We got a lot done and can now focus on our individual parts of the project in the upcoming weeks.
So this took about 2 hours, which ment that it was 10.30AM when I left school, bought some lunch and headed back home. I made a quick stop at the gym, to have a kind of a test training, to see how my body reacts after feeling under the weather these last couple of weeks. Up until now it's been feeling great, so my hopes are up!
When I got home I just chilled, watched "The Walking Dead", took care of mom (she's feeling a bit under the weather aswell) and made these delicious healthy scones. Now I'm not sure how healthy they really are, but I switched around 2/3 of all the flour to some courser, healthier options.
Write below in the comments if you'd like the recipe!
Have a nice evening!

But for now, let's sleep

Busy weekend
Oh yeah, it really has been. It sure feels like it, anyway...
On Saturday I had to wake up really early, 6AM (!), to get ready for work. Like I've explained earlier, I sometimes work as an exam guard (if you can call it that). Basically I sit there and make sure no one cheats or anything like that. Of course there's a bit of work, too. You have to prepare for the exam by placing out all the papers and then sort them out once the test is finished. But overall, it's a quite chill job.
Then after that I went home, bought some candy and just enjoyed the rest of the day.
Today after mass there was this meeting for all the church attendants, which wasn't much fun, except for the cinnamon buns we got to enjoy. After that it was practically straight home to study for this Spanish exam I have tomorrow. It seems like all I do is study for exams, right? Fact is, there's really a lot of them, at least where I go to school. So boring, there's tons of stuff I'd like to do instead, but no no, no fun while you're young, right?
Got to stop here before I get even more pessimistic! Have a great upcoming week everyone!

A couple of food pics, the first one's from Saturday during a break and the second one is from today: yummy strawberry soygurt with sliced banana!
Do what you love

Trip to Lithuania last week
Last Thursday my family and I went to Lithuania, since it was a year since my grandma passed away, and after one year's time you have a gathering in their memory. Even though the reason why we went there wasn't positive, I still managed to have quite a good time.
We arrived late on Thursday night. On Friday the rest of the family had different arrends to run, while I stayed at home and studied for a math test that I was having on Tuesday. When the family was done with the boring stuff, we went out to eat lunch before heading to Marijampole and my mom's sister. Since it was Friday, and that means fast, we went to a vegetarian restaurant. It was so incredibly delicious! I've never eaten more delicious vegeterian food. I ordered these vegetable patties with salsa sauce and rice, and it was like heaven in my mouth! Everyone else's food was delicious too, but mine was the yummiest of them all!
After that mom and sissie went to the hairdresser, so I walked around a bit in the mall, looking at clothes, buying macarons and deciding on a new mascara (from Essence this time).
The next day was the gathering and it was really nice to meet all the relatives from mom's side of the family. They're so nice and funny, it's always a pleasure to be with them. After that we just chilled at home, watching this Turkish series called "Muhteşem Yüzyıl" or in English "The Magnificent Century".
Then on Sunday we woke up really early to be able to visit my other grandparents before we left for Sweden. So we made a quick stop for lunch and then we went back to Vilnius. Later that day it was off to Sweden, but unfortenately th trip wasn't all that nice for me. Since I had a bit of a cold, it was really painfull to fly at such a high height. I survivied, but I still don't hear quite properly on my right ear. Hopefully it will all be over soon!
So that's the reason why I didn't update anything at all this weekend. For the almost zero updates during the week you have to blame my PE teacher for giving us a huge assignment due today at 8PM.

On the bus, playing a bit with the filters

Beautiful view of the Swedish country

A yummy bomb of healthyness before the trip

My super delicious vegetarian dish

Sissies also delicious veggie dish

A poster from the series. My aunt says that I look like the one on the rear right, Alexandra. Do you agree?

On our way back home
Happy Birthday Sissie!
So my sister turned 15 (!) yesterday, which we celebrated by eating cake, a delicious dinner and a movie, just our family. It was really nice and I hope she enjoyed all the gifts we got her.
Happy Birthday once again sissie! Love you infinity times infinity!

Hope you had a great day honey!
Powerful message

Miley Cyrus for Marc Jacobs
Miley Cyrus new campaign for Marc Jacobs was released the previous weekend. The photos, taken by David Sims, shows Milet toegther with other models on an abandoned beach with post-apocalyptic feelings.
Personally, I really don't like the photos. I don't think that Miley is approriate as a model and I'm actually a bit dissapointed with Marc Jacobs for choosing her. She has the same facial expression on every picture, pouting those lips and looking like a sad and grumpy little kid that didn't get it's candy.
This campaign get a big thumbs down from me, even though the setting and the background otherwise is very impressive and a bit surrealistic a la Dalí.

Shape up, shape down
Evening everyone! Nice to hear from me after a long day, huh?
Because it sure has been that, a long day. I woke up a bit after 7 AM, after a very nice long sleep. I had a nice, chill breakfast while watching Top Model Sverige, before I started to study for the science exam I had today. I think it went well. It was quite easy, actually. But then again, if it feels easy you probably have done something wrong... Let's hope that doesn't apply this time.
On my way home I bought some candy to celebrate that the exam is over and I also spotted this new magazine. Since I've already read this month's ELLE issue, I'm really urging for something to read. So the fact that this magazine seemed really interesting, was quite cheap + had Candice on it's cover, made the decision to buy it really easy. I think I'll save it for the weekend though, when I can relax and read it without feeling guilty about it.
Have a great rest of the week!

The irony in this picture though...
My weekend
Hello babes! (As Jonas Hallberg would say)
This weekend I've barely spent any time at home, therefore the bad update.
On Saturday morning I went to the gym for a little work out. Then, at around lunch, my sister and I went to Åhléns for the Top Model/Maybelline event. It felt so unreal to get to meet Jonas Hallberg and two of the contestants, Elzana and Sebastian. We took some pictures and got some autographs and then my sister and I went for a very quick coffee/lunch at Wayne's Coffee.
Then I had my modeling class and went back to Åhléns to meet up with Agnes for our sleepover. Unfortenately, Agnes wasn't able to make it there in time, so we decided to meet up near her. But first, I went inside Åhléns to get some more pictures with the contestants. Now, more of them had come. I got some photos with Astrid and Kevin aswell.
When I got to Huddinge we went grocery/snacks shopping and then to Agnes' place. First, we watched the latest episode of Top Model Sverige and ate some nuts, then we had dinner, and after that it was time for the final of Melodifestivalen 2014. Also Agnes mom's sister and her husband came to watch it with us, so it was a quite loud crowd that sat around the TV, cheering for their favourites and critisizing the worst ones. It was a really fun night, Sanna Nielsen won the whole contest with her song "Undo", which was one of my favourites. My other favourite was Ace Wilder with "Busy Doing Nothing" and she came second.
After the show, Agnes and I looked at hotels and plane tickets for our trip to London at the end of the summer. I'm so excited about it, it's the main topic of my daydreams right now! We basically decided everything, but it since it was so late when we were done, we didn't book/buy anything. Instead, we started watching "The First Time". I had already seen it, but since we (especially Agnes) have a huge Dylan O'Brien-crush, I knew that she would love it! We didn't watch the whole movie, since we really had to go to sleep.
In the morning we had a quick breakfast and got ready to leave for church. When I got home I just took a quick nap, since I'd only slept for 4 hours. Then I just watched some series, finished the movie and studied for my science exam that is tomorrow. Sunday was a nice, quite chill ending of this week.
Hopefully you guys have had a nice weekend and I wish you all a great coming week!

Jonas Hallberg, Elzana, a make-up artist, and Sebastian.

Pics from my Instagram. Elzana and I, she's my favourite and I really hope that she wins this season!

Astrid and I.

Kevin and I.
Top 5 favourite models
Since I'm really interested in fashion, celebrities and with that also models, I thought I'd give you a little insight on my top 5 favourite models at the moment. It was sooo hard to choose only 5, since I like quite many, but I was able to narrow it down to these 5. Number 1 and 2 have been my favourites for a long time and haven't changed, but the rest change a bit from time to time, but still remain in the top.
I've also added some basic modelling facts about them, like height, weight, measurements, age and so on.
Take a look!

1. Candice Swanepoel
Age: 25, born 20 October 1988
Nationality: South African
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Measurements: 84 - 59 - 87 (cm)

2. Doutzen Kroes
Age: 29, born 23 January 1985
Age: 29, born 23 January 1985
Nationality: Dutch (The Netherlands)
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 54/57 kg (depending on site)
Measurements: 86 - 62 - 88 (cm)

3. Constance Jablonski
Age: 22, born 17 April 1991
Age: 22, born 17 April 1991
Nationality: French
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Measurements: 86 - 62 - 90 (cm)

4. Edita Vilkeviciute
Age: 25, born 1 Januray 1989
Age: 25, born 1 Januray 1989
Nationality: Lithuanian
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Measurements: 80 - 60 - 88 (cm)

5. Gigi Hadid
Age: 18, born 23 April 1995
Age: 18, born 23 April 1995
Nationality: Dutch (mother) and Palestinian (father)
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Measurements: 86 - 64 - 89 (cm)
I really do
Science lab
Hello everyone!
Today we had quite an interesting lab at science. We did blood tests to see which blood group our blood was and also if we were rhesus positive or negative. It was a bit scary to take a blood sample (you had to stick yourself in the finger with a special needle), but after that it was really fun.
Here are some pics from the lesson. As I knew before, I'm 0+.

The books come out
There's not really much going on as of right now. I've been going to the gym after school this whole week (3 days in a row, woop woop) and now I have to study for an economics exam I have tomorrow. The exam is about more complex ways of bookkeeping. I think that this what we're doing right now is actually kind of fun, even though many people in my class find it boring. There are some parts that are a bit tough to understnad, but eventually when you do some exercises it all becomes clear and understandable.
Hopefully it's gonna go well tomorrow, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

A beautiful sunset in Lithuania, taken this past winter
So excited about this Saturday!
OMG you guys, I read about this yesterday. It's a post from the stylist Jonas Hallberg's Instagram, the head stylist and co-host of Top Model Sweden. He's gonna be in Åhléns head department store, I'm not sure about what time, but during whole Friday and Saturday, at least that's what he said when he answered my question. Also, I'm not sure if he's gonna be there by himself or with Caroline Winberg or the contestants of this season's show. However, both Agnes and I really want to meet him, so I'm very excited about this Saturday (since that's when I hopefully will be seeing him).

Shrove Tuesday
Happy shrove Tuesday/pancake day everyone!
Today was a quite nice day, actually. Only 2 lessons at school, then workout at the gym and after that, time for some delicous things! Since tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, which means that the fast before Easter begins. For me, tomorrow doesn't involve any meat or diary products. Kind of a vegan day, which will be very interesting.
Usually I have my little "cheat day" on Wednesdays, but this time I had it today, therefore the candy.
Also the "semla" was amazingly delicious! I scraped off almost all the whipped cream, since it was very heavy and I'm not really a big fan of it, which made it a whole lot more yummy. Next time, though, I think I'll share it with my mom, it ended up being a bit to much for me to eat on my own.
Hope you guys have enjoyed your semla or pancakes or whatever you celebrate this day with!

All of my favourite candy!

Delicious semla! Look at that amount of whipped cream (OMG)!
Moments of perfection
Sports break part 2
If you'd call my trip to Lithuania part 1 of my sports break, then the rest of the week would be part 2.
The same day that I got home, on Wednesday, Agnes and I had a little sleepover at my place. She came around 5 PM, since I only got home at 3 PM, and we went to the grocery store to buy some candy and snacks. Then we got home, watched Top Model Sweden and ate some candy. This season is gonna be really interesting, since it's both guys and girls. Then my amazing sissie made a delicious vegetarian dinner for us and after that we watched "2012" and ate some snacks. After the movie, when everyone went to sleep, Agnes and I sat up quite long, just talking about and planning our trip to London. It's gonna be so much fun I can't wait!
The next day we watched "Frozen" while eating breakfast and then Agnes had to leave, since she and her family were going to their holiday home the same day.
The day after that, on Friday, my sister and I went to see "The Book Thief", which was really great and very sad at the end. Before the movie we went to Wayn'es Coffee and each of us got a small latte with hazelnut flavour, yummy! Later that day, at around 8 PM, I went to the place where I made my intership to help with the inventory.
On Saturday I didn't do anything special, just went to the gym and chilled at home. Then on Sunday, after mass, my sister and I went to the horse stable for a joint "theory" lesson. That was actually really fun. First we got to fix the horses and then we got to try something called free jumping. That basically means that you get the horse to jump over obstacles without actually sitting on it. Sounds kind of strange, but it wasn't that hard at all (just a tiny bit scary).
So that's about the rest of my vacation away from school. Hope you guys had a nice break and have a great rest of the week!

Our delicious hazelnut lattes!

My sis and I at the movies.

Jumping horses (Verona and Kari)
The Oscars 2014
Yesterday it was time for the 86th Academy Awards, or more commonly known as the Oscars. This is the absolute hightlight of all the award shows, for all kinds of entertainment people. It's the most prestige award you can get as an actor, a director or anything that has to do with the movie business.
For me, this whole event is as much about fashion and celebrities as it is about the actual meaning of the awards.
Therefore, there will be a bit of both. Below I've listed all of the categories and the winners. After that, it's time for some fashion!
Therefore, there will be a bit of both. Below I've listed all of the categories and the winners. After that, it's time for some fashion!
Best picture: "12 Years a Slave"
Best director: Alfonso Cuaron, "Gravity"
Best lead actor: Matthew McConaughey, "Dallas Buyers Club"
Best lead actress: Cate Blanchett, "Blue Jasmine"
Best supporting actor: Jared Leto, "Dallas Buyers Club"
Best supporting actress: Lupita N'yongo, "12 Years a Slave"
Best animated feature: "Frozen"
Best feature documentary: "20 Feet From Stardom"
Best foreign-language film: "The Great Beauty"
Best adapted screenplay: "12 Years A Slave"
Best original screenplay: Spike Jonze, "Her"
Best cinematography: "Gravity"
Best costume design: Catherine Martin, "The Great Gatsby"
Best film editing: "Gravity"
Best makeup and hairstyling: Adruitha Lee and Robin Mathews, "Dallas Buyers Club"
Best original score: "Gravity"
Best original song: "Let It Go," from "Frozen"
Best production design: "The Great Gatsby"
Best sound editing: "Gravity"
Best sound mixing: "Gravity"
Best visual effects: "Gravity"
Best animated short: Mr. Hublot
Best live-action short: "Helium"
Best documentary short: "The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life"
Here are my favourite looks from the night

Amy Adams in a gorgeous dark blue dress that suits her skin and hair perfectly!

Anne Hathaway in a glamorous bejeweled black dress that is quite simple, but with that little extra!

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the never aging couple. They never seem to dissapoint when it comes to red carpet looks!

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan looked absolutely gorgeous last night! Quickly back in shape after giving birth to their first child and showing off her success in this completely mindblowing creation.

Emma Watson is of course super stylish as always. Smokey eyes and red lips can never go wrong on a red carpet and Emma pulls it off perfectly pairing it with a black dress with some subtle sparkle to make everything a bit more interesting.

Jennifer Lawrence looks beyond gorgeous, beautiful and everything in between in this orange red dress. This look takes my mind back to her first Oscar appearance and shows in a great way the development this amazing actress has had these last three years.

Naomi Watts looks angel-like in this beautiful modern white creation. White was a really popular colour among the celebrities' dresses this year.

Sandra Bullock is someone whom you wouldn't expect to be one who's that interested in fashion, but she impresses me every time there's an award show with her impecable dress choices.
And now, to the rest of the celebrities:

Bradley Cooper

Charlize Theron

Elsa Pataky and Chris Hemsworth

Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart

Jennifer Garner

Jessica Biel

Joseph Gordon-Lewitt

Julia Roberts

Kate Hudson

Kellan Lutz

Kerry Washington

Kristen Bell

Lady Gaga

Leonardo DiCaprio

Matthew McConaughy and Camila Alves

Meryl Streep

Olivia Wilde

Penelope Cruz
Trip to Lithuania
So the vacation started with quite an impulsive trip to Lithuania, just my mom and I. It was so nice to just get away and travel with only my mom. When you are in Lithuania it feels like you're in a whole another world! It just feels so different from how your life usually is and it's so nice to get a break from it.
Here's my trip in pictures!

On our way to Vilnius, we transitted in Riga, where we got to enjoy this big (!) and very delicious caramel latte.

We also did some gift shopping at Victoria's Secret.

On the evening we met up with my mom's cousin and her daughter Goda. She's so cute!

The next day my mom, my aunt and I went had lunch at this asian restaurant. We had chicken and mushroom soup and chicken with sweet sauce. So delicious food!

On the day of our return to Stockholm, we bought some super yummy pastries to celebrate our last day there. We bought some macarones (strawberry and chocolate flavour) and brownies.
The reason I've been MIA this whole week is because I've had a week off from school, which has been so amazing it's indescribable. I just felt like I really needed a break from everything that involved the everyday life, including this blog, so that I would come back with even more inspiration and ambition to keep things up.
So don't be too sad, the blog is up and running again. The coming posts will be about my break and the Oscar's that were yesterday/today (depending on where you live).
This post is just gonna be me saying "Hi!", so keep an eye on the blog for more updates!

The background image on my phone, springy vibes!