Cooking competition and vegetarian hamburgers
So I wasn't really feeling like doing anything in particular today, which resulted in going grocery shooping with my parents. We went to the big supermarket a car ride away. I don't know what it is about grocery shopping, but I find it to be so much fun! Maybe I'm weird, I don't know hahahah. Anyway, we ended up deciding that we were gonna have vegetarian burgers for dinner. Guess what? They turned out DELICIOUS! Who knew that vegetarian food could be so yummy?
While we were at the supermarket we all got a bit hungry, so we had coffe at this really cute café. I ordered something called "Kärleksmums", which is practically like a chocolate biscuit with some chocolate topping and shredded coconut. Yum yum yum! Near the café there was a cooking competition going on, so we took a look at it.
Also I finally got some of my favourite things to eat: roasted almonds, dried plums and dates and this delicious müsli with coconut, hazel nuts andstrawberries.
Have a nice Saturday night!


Cooking competition

Dried plums, dried dates, roasted almonds and müsli with coconut, hazel nuts and strawberries

Dinner: vegetarian hamburger
Good morning
I just woke up and I'm just cuddling in bed, not ready to get up and face the day. The weather outside is grey and boring, not at all inspiring. But I have a lot to do, so I'd better get up and start going.
I have nothign special planned today, so I guess it's just mainly gonna be a bit of this and a bit of that that gets done. But it's really nice to have these kind of days where you don't have anything to do and you just end up curled up on the sofa with a soft blanket and wark cup of tea watching a movie. I really need that.
Hope you feel more inspired than I do and actually get something done today!

The taste of sushi
Hello guys!
Today felt like a REALLY long day, even though the last class was cancelled.
The day was filled with boring lessons without what felt like real meaning, it just felt like you were moving along a stream together with everyone else, never really getting anywhere. Wow, it sounds really despressing, hahaha!
Finally though, I got some sushi that I've been craving all week. And it was DELICIOUS! I love it! I might sound like a sushi freak, which I'm not, but sometimes it's just so good.
When school ended everyone headed home and it was so nice to finally get some time off from school. We had some ice-cream at home, so me and my sister curled up in front of the TV and watched the latest two episodes of "Swedish Hollywood Wives". It's like "Real Housewives of..." but Swedish and it's so bizarre and hilarious to watch. Both mine and my sister's favourite housewife is Maria Montazami (you can check out her blog here).
Now I'm just gonna take a shower, curl up in my bed, watch an episode of "New Girl" and go to sleep.
Sleep tight everyone!

Today's lunch

Swedish Hollywood Wives (picture from Google)
These last two days...
So not much has happened these last two days, but there's been some great moments and that's what I thought I'd share with you!
This day started quite late, at around 9.50 AM. Me and my friends decided to eat lunch at Subway, since it had been a while since we ate there and we were really craving some hot sandwiches. On our way there we got to know that a jewelry shop had been robbed less than an hour ago, so went there to take a look at the crime scene. This is what it looked like:

The car that had been driven in to the shop was still there and there where a lot of police cars around. It was really interesting actually.
Later that day, me, my sister Milda, my friend Bea and her friend Jenny went to see One Direction's new movie "This Is Us". It was sooo good!!! The cinema was filling with teenage girls, most of them a few years younger than me and the screaming was sometimes unbearable. The movie could also have been a bit longer, but overall: I LOVED IT! And of course I'm gonna buy it as soon as it's possible.

Yesterday I went to school as usual and today my friends and I ate lunch at Taco Bar. I ordered, as always, a Nacho Deluxe and it was delicious! It really tasted better than ever, but that may be because it's been a long time since I ate it, hahaha.

When I got home I bought a big box of ice-cream and watched the finale of Pretty Little Liars together with my sissie. All I can say is: O-M-G!!!! If you've seen the episode you know what I'm talking about, and if you haven't seen it you definately should! I'm not gonna write about it here to prevent from spoiling for you, but it was one of the most reveiling episodes ever.
When mom got home she had a package that I've been waiting for for so long. I was so excited when I received it I jumped out of my chiar and instanly ripped it open. I had ordered some cheekies from Victoria's Secret and they had finally arrived!

The feelings pictures create...

One Direction "This Is Us" premier
I'm so excited about tonight, because I'm going to go to see "This Is Us" with my sister and my friend Bea and her friend! I've waited for this movie for I don't know how long and the day is finally here. At 6 pm it's time and I just know that it's going to be incredible.
I LOVE going to the movies! The cosy feeling, the delicious smell of buttered popcorn and candy and, of course, the movie... It's just magical! Hahahahah, I guess I sounded a bit weird there, but whatever.
In the theme of One Directiona nd their movie, the real movie premier was held a couple of days ago and here's some pictures from that event.

The boys

Zayn Malik doing his signature smize.

Niall Horan was really excited about the movie.

Harry Styles felt like doing a grimace to the cameras, while Liam Payne was curiously watching.

Little Mix was there.

And so was McFly.

Simon Cowell, the creator of One Direction, posed proudly at the red carpet.
Theme park-Saturday
So this Saturday I had absolutely nothing to do, so my friends; Sara, Anamika and Miranda, and I thought it would be fun to meet up and go to this theme park in Stockholm called Gröna Lund. We arrived around noon and went home around 9 pm. We went on several roller coasters, ate ice-cream and tried to win on the wheels of fortune. Neither one of us did actually win anything, but it was fun either way. For lunch we ate fish & chips, which was not so healthy but really delicious! I also challenged my fears and went on the Blue Train, which is a scary train ride actually ment for little kids, but I found it incredibly scary...
Here's some pics from the day!

A lot of people on a Saturday afternoon...

Lunch time!

The entry to the Blue Train

In the Fun House

Not really excited about school...
Godd morning!
I'm about to go to school, but I just thought that I'd post some pics for you to enjoy until later. Can you imagine that I've already gotten homework from THREE different subjects? They're not easy on you, are they?
Anyway, here's what I wore yesterday.

Went on a walk with Seira

Seira felt like joining the photo!

Inspired by Miranda Kerr
I just L-O-V-E this outfir that Miranda Kerr wore the other day at the airport. I don't understand how she manages to look flawless even after an 10 hour-flight, it's insane! She mixes stripes and patterns in a way that makes me cry out of jealousy.
But the great thing is that this outfit is easy to accomplish yourself! Just take a striped maxi dress, throw on a bright colored scarf and your favorite denim jacket and you're ready to go!
I am for sure giving this outfit a try!
Modeling time
So I'm sitting here waiting to get my make-up done for the photo shoot at Model House. My sister and I got this model-for-a-day experience thing as a gift so we booked a time and here we are! It's gonna be a really natural kind of style to this shoot since we're gonna use these pictures to send to some modeling agencies to try our luck. Well we'll see how that goes, but at least we'll have done all we could.
Anyway, this will be so much fun and I can't wait to get all fixed up!
Back to school
Yesterdaywas the third day of school and we've already gotten three homeworks from three different subjects. They don't let us start very easily, do they? But it's finally the weekend, so the mood is up!
Yesterday my dear friend Jennifer (check out her blog here) had her going abroad - party, which was so much fun. She's moving to Spain for a whole year and I'm gonna miss her super duper much! Fortunately we have different kinds of technologies on our side, so we'll make it work.
I'm gonna do a summary of my summer later, it's gonna consist of two parts and a LOT of photos. Hope you'll enjoy it!
But now some photos from these last three days!

First day of school - outfit.

Tried to do my nails a bit different.

Went to the gym.

And had some delicious frozen yoghurt with my sister at Naked Juice Bar!
Vacation dreams
Hello everyone!
At the moment I'm in Lithuania on vacay, meeting relatives and friends and just hanging out. It's been a great couple of weeks with no stress or worries at all. Me and my family went firstly to Lithuania and then from there to Bulgaria where we stayed for 11 days. It was incredible and I promise to show you pics later!
Yesterday we were at my grandma Elena and grandpa Donatas house and helped out in the garden a bit. Mine and my sister task was to pick berries; cherries and blackcurrants. Grandma has this huge blackcurrant bush and we spent quite a while there picking them. The result was an enormous bowl of sweet and delicious blackcurrants, that together with some raspberrys became the most heavenly jam I've ever tasted.

Picking cherries

The result after hours of picking

In the garden