Now I'm at school, social science class is about to end, but we still have an another class before lunch. Why this torture?! I'm seriously dying of hunger here! Fun things happening this weekend, starting with today/tonight, but more about that later today... I just thought I'd check in here so you don't think I died or anything, hahah!
It's very soon Friday, everyone's favourite day of the week. For me it's no exception. Especially this Friday and this weekend is gonna be filled with lots of fun stuff that I'm really excited about! But more about that tomorrow...
I just wanted to share some recent photos of what's been going on for me, knowing that I've almost only written fashion stuff and not so much personal things. Sooo...
My weekly tradition with PLL/Ravenswood and Exotic Snacks was being held. Such great shows and oh so yummy snacks!
Today I decided to chill a bit and watch The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2013 and enjoy some cottage cheese with peanut butter. AMAZING COMBO!!!
When you’re feeling under the weather, every second spent in bed feels like hours, and every day feels like weeks. You can forget having fun with friends or even working out. All plans come to a halt, which I absolutely hate.
Flu season peaks during this time of the year, so now is the time to really focus your energy on staying healthy. Luckily I’ve gathered a few tips for stopping that cold or flu as soon as you feel it coming. Getting sick is impossible sometimes, so here are a few things you can do to speed up your recovery…
1. Prop yourself up with pillows. Keeping your head elevated at night helps your nasal passages stay open. So if you’re feeling a bit congested, grab a couple extra pillows and sleep so that you’re almost sitting up straight. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and able to breathe better.
2. Take a hot shower. Whether you’re coughing or sneezing, the steam from a hot shower or humidifier will loosen up the congestion in your head and chest. Studies also show that very humid air can be toxic to viruses.
3. Drink up. As you probably know by now, staying hydrated is a key to feeling better. If you’re already feeling sick, drinking lots of liquids will thin congestion and keep your throat moist. If you’re tired of plain old water, try hot tea, clear chicken or vegetable broth, or infused water for some added flavor.
4. Get a good night’s sleep. It might seem obvious that getting enough sleep is important for staying healthy. But just how important is it? Studies show that people who get less than seven hours of sleep on average are three times more likely to get a cold than those who snooze for eight hours or more. (Yep, you read that right.) So if you feel a cold or flu coming on, make sure you’re getting plenty of shut-eye.
5. Take a ‘mega dose’ of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is proven to shorten the duration of a cold or flu once it’s started. So if you feel a sickness coming on, pop an Emergen-C, airborne, or other mega-dose of Vitamin C.
6. Gargle with salt water. If you have a sore throat, salt water will help ease the pain naturally. Not only does the salt help reduce inflammation in your throat, but the rinse also flushes out bacteria and viruses. Try adding a half a tablespoon of salt to 8 ounces of warm water.
7. Eat immunity boosting foods. I truly believe that you are what you eat. If you put good things into your body, you will be rewarded with good things in return.Foods that boost the immune system is something everyone needs right now. Your body’s immune system works hard every day to fight off diseases and maintain a healthy, functioning body. With that said, it’s about time to treat your body like the temple it is by stocking up on the cold fighting eats above…
Yesterday was the last day of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week here in Stockholm. The ones I really looked forward to were Filippa K and Tiger of Sweden, but was actually a bit dissapointed by the collections. I had expected a bit more... But there were some good stuff aswell, as you'll see below.
This last day, in my opinion, was the least exciting when it comes to fashion. Nothing really special about the collections and as I mentioned, not many outfit I liked either. My favourite day must have been yesterday. I became aware of quite many new designers that I really liked and was positively surprised by many collections, with many favourite looks.
However, here's the summary of yesterday!
All the pictures were taken from the MBFW Stockholm's website.
Love the combination of these colors, though I find it more spring then autumn/winter. The pieces itself is not really something you're able to take directly from the runway, but my favourites from this line.
Beckmans College of Design
This dress is quite revealing, being both short and having multiple cutouts, but it still made a bigger impression to me than the rest of the looks.
Filippa K
Now this is an outfit that you could actually wear! I really like the combination of the pieces and both the colors and the fabrics are well suitable for the season.
This was my favourite designer from yesterday. I had a bit difficult time choosing the outfit to post here, since I had multipe favourites. But I decided to go with this one because it's a perfect casual outfit for a hot late summer/early fall day, both for work and after.
Mes Dames
The color of this outfit, camel/mustard, has been coming back season after season and from what it looks like, it will this year aswell. It's a bit of a difficult color to pull of, so make sure that it looks good on you. Otherwise, I think the design of this top.
Oscar Jacobson
The male outfit of the day! This outfit is really classy and stylish, which I think is really important when dressing a guy. I think this also was the only look with regular long pants and since I'm not a big fan of ankle pants, it wasn't hard to choose the right outfit.
Rookies - Swedish Fashion Talents
This show was the only one with a bit of Haute Couture inspired dresses, which of course I love. Especially this creation caught my eye, because of it's beautiful colors and fabric. A real fluffy dream dress!
Tiger of Sweden
Tiger of Sweden was one of the brands I really looked forward to seeing, but dissapointed me a bit. This outfit though, was definately no dissapointment! Classic "calm" palette for the season, a beautiful dress and a jacket in an interesting fabric makes a great combination!
This Brazilian supermodel never fails so surprise. The gorgeous Adriana Lima looks like a complete bronze goddess in the latest campaign from Donna Karan. Wearing exotic drapey print dresses and leather necklaces she looks absolutely stunning.
Day 2 of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week here in Stockholm was yesterday, and of course I'll give you the latest updates. Since I personally don't have a pass to go and see the shows myself, these summarys come a day later. But hopefully that's okey and still interesting to all you fashion geeks like me.
Enough said, here's my favourites from yesterday!
All the pictures were taken from the MBFW Stockholm's website.
Caroline Kummelstedt
Love the fact that tey're playing a bit with different cuts of the hem of their skirts. The color is beautiful aswell!
Cheap Monday
The bow-thing on the head I'm not so sure of, but otherwise I think the dress is simple yet beautiful. The scarf adds a little twist to the otherwise classic outfit.
Diana Orving
This designer used "regular" women as her models, which also is visible in the pieces of the collection. This outfit though I think is wearable for multiple age groups.
H&M Design Awards
This creation is absolutely gorgeous, how every color is highlighted thanks to the surrounding. The top part has beautiful shoulders, that gives this outfit a more elegant look.
House of Dagmar
The leather is, as previously mentioned, very popular the upcoming season and definately something you should think about investing in. This time it's a leather skirt combined with a top that kind of melts in to the skirt, while being beautifully contrasting to the material of the skirt.
Ida Klamborn
Unfortunately I didn't like much of this designer's creations this season. But what I did like was the pattern of this skirt and the combination of these colors. It's not a traditional kind of combination, which may be one of the reasons why I like it. Also I'm a big fan of the warm palette, so this suits my personal preferences perfectly!
Ida Sjöstedt
I'm not so sure about the combination of socks and pumps, but otherwise this outfit is gorgeous! A black lace party dress paired with red heels taht add a bit of color to the outfit. And let's not forget the amazing long coat with fur collar. Perfect for winter!
This was my favourite brand this far through the fashion week. Almost every outfit is wearable and just my taste, so no wonder that it was extrememly hard for me to pic a favourite! I chose this one because it's perfect both for day and night, perfect outfit for a Friday if you're heading out afterwards.
This coat is gorgeous aswell, the color is perfect for fall and one of my favourites for that season. Even though the combination of the pieces is not the very best in my opinion, I love the fabric of the upper piece, it adds something special to this outfit and makes it stand out among the others.
Maria Nilsdotter
This collection of jewellery is something a bit different for a fashion week, which is mostly about clothes. But I think it's really good to mix it up and add something out of the ordinary. These rings ain the picture above are the favourite pieces from her collection. They're simple, yet adds something special to both your everyday-outfit as the one for an event.
Today I had to wake up a bit earlier than usual on Wednesdays, because three other students from my class and I had a meeting with a teacher about some stuff regarding her learning type etc. It was productive, we achieved some changes that were necessary, unless you want to get depressed because of school.
Anyway, I had a delicious breakfast, a bit different than what I usually have, which is yoghurt and muesli with some tea. Today it was tea as always, but this time also cottage cheese with a tomatoe cut into pieces and a bit of leek. I don't know if you've tried anything like this before, but you should definately try it out. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on top to make it even more delicious!
Later this day I'll of course post about the second day of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week here in Stockholm. So keep an eye on the blog for more fashion!
The sun turned out really interesting in this photo
Friday is coming faster then it might feel right now. Friday's are everyone's favourite day, after a long week you're finally able to relax and have some fun. But if you have a 9 to 5-job, it might be a bit tricky to squeeze in time to head home and change your entire look before having to leave for the night.
But no worries, here below you can read a bout 5 super easy hairdoes that will take your outfit to an another level.
Yesterday was the start to three days of the newest fashion, hottest celebrities and loads of street style inspiration. Swedish designers have work hard to get a spot in this gorgeos fashion week and only the best of the best have made it. The main locations for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week A/W 2014 is at the well-renowned Berns in central Stockholm and at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Pavilion. I've walked past there numerous times before, trying to catch a glimpse of the gorgeous outfits and eye-locking designs. But, only la crème de la crème are invited and us mortals have no chance of entering.
Fortunately, that doesn't stop me from getting you the latest updates! Here below you can see my personal favourites from yesterday's shows.
All the pictures were taken from the MBFW Stockholm's website.
Stylish work outfit, directly from the runway!
LOVE the jacket and the contrast to the bright red skirt
Carin Wester
The fabric of both the blouse and the pants are amazing
Hernández Cornet
The silhouette of this dress is gorgeous
Hunky Dory
This is my favourite outfit of all of what I've seen, could definately see myself wearing that!
Leather with leather was a popular combination this year
This top is beyond my imagination, gorgeous!
This coat/jacket is perfect for the autumn/winter season, an investment to look forward to
Even a bit of men fashion, this is a bit of a rockier look
Today I'm staying at home, not feeling well. It's the winter sports day at school today and I really didn't feel well enough to be marching around in the cold for 5-6 hours. Instead, I'll be cosying up here, watching movies, drinking coffee and tea, and unfortenately doing some homework aswell.
But, to make this day more fun for everyone, I thought I'd make you in a good mood by sharing one of my biggest interests - baking! I just love to bake! Cupcakes, cakes, bisquits, cookies, you name it, I've done it. The fun part is eating it all up, tasting what delicious creations your effort has resulted in. There's really nothing better!
When I see pictures like the ones below, my imagination really sparks and I get this almost uncontrollable desire to just get in the kitchen and make some yummy things.
Get your kitchens ready, because you're about to get inspired!
This gorgeous fashionista is always on top of my best dresed list. This time it's no different. Looking both stylish and being warm at the same time, this girl really knows how to work it. Matching a fluffy lavender colored jumper with a pretty black skirt and platform heels to die for, she's definately nailing one of my favourite spring looks!
I say that I'll do better with the updates and the day after it's worse than ever? Way to go Ruta!
Today hasn't been anything special, stayed at home all day because I wasn't feeling well. In the morning sissie and I watched KUWTK (Keeping Up With The Kardashians) and then I did some homework (math). I've also just been watching a lot of model-videos and enjoying the last free day before yet another week at school.
Next week is gonna be so much fun for a bunch of different reasons, and sometimes a bit duller for other. However, I'll try to make the best of it and enjoy it to the fullest. What else is there to do?
Hope you guys have had a nice and relaxing weekend!
I'd like to begin with apologizing for not being as "fun" and interesting on here lately. I've been feeling a bit under the weather, which has resulted in me not being to excited about anything, which has made the blog suffer a bit. Unfortunately it's not getting any better, but I'll just hold on and try to get through it with as little damage as possible, both here and in real life.
Today I headed into the city to hunt for some winter shoes, which I told you about some time ago. This time the trip was succesful, thank God. The boots I bought are black, just below the knee boots with some gold details. They're from Din Sko, you can see a photo below.
I also bought a mask for my friend Ammi's birthday party that is this Friday, I'm really looking forward to it! I really like this mask and hopefully it'll go well with my dress. The only problem that needs a solution is the shoe question... What shoes should I wear? I'm definately not thinking about heels, since I want to be able to walk home without getting a lift with some strange dudes. I also don't want to get too cold, but I still want to look nice... Hmm, this is gonna be a tough one.
Anyways, I'm soon gonna do some math homework and then later this evening we're having a little family-time, which will be very nice!
Oh how I miss sumemr during days like these. It's cold, grey and snowing, not something I enjoy that much. Sure, it's nice ith winter, cosying up at home with a cup of coffee or tea in front of a good movie or a book. But not so fun when wet snow is blowing in your face while you're tramping through mounds of snow to get to the bus/train in time, just to find out that it's late. No, not really the ideal picture of how winter should be. So hopefully it will dissapear quite soon and spring and warmth will be on it's way!
In the meantime, he're some pics from last summer, all from our trip to Bulgaria. Dreaming myself away now...
Left to right, top to bottom: @anouskapb @mirandakerr @skinnybikinibody and @befitsmoothies
I'm not sure how much time a day I spend on Instagram, but if I would guess I'd say a couple of hours. I'm not one of those people who update all the time, but I find it really interesting and fun to look at other peoples' photos (especially celebrities, as you'll see below).
We all have our favourite Instagram accounts. While following over 300 accounts, I've had quite a struggle picking out my top ten, but here they are, in no specific order:
That's how it feels right now, that this week will never end. In my opinion, you should go to school/work for 4 days a week, and have 3 days free. Imagine how nice that would be? Not only to get one day less of school or work, but also get an extra day to meet frinds, family, have some self-time and just do what you like to do and enjoy life!
School is quite chaotic at the moment. Not in form of exams and stuff like that, but we have so many substitutes, I'm not really sure what grade I have in some of the subjects. For example Social Studies is a complete mess. But hopefully it will all turn out fine and we'll all be able to be graded fairly.
Yesterday's Zumba went great and I'm really looking forward to today's yoga class. But before that I'll watch the latest episode of "Pretty Little Liars" and also "Ravenswood" if I have time. Of course it will be accompanied with some Exotic Snacks, this has literally become a little tradition of mine. Really looking forward to this part actually!
I'm just about to head to the gym (again) for a quick Zumba class, but before that I thought I'd share with you some of the things on my spring to buy-list. These gorgeous pieces both mix well together and adds some of the cuteness and freshness that comes with spring.
Today started with a delicious fruit breakfast. Banana, clementines and peanut butter was on the menu. It may seem like a little, but it's only because I'm heading to the gym in like five minutes, and if you eat too much before working out you can feel sick. Of course I don't want that. Besides, it's proven that it's better to eat fruit in the morning for some reason, maybe because your stomach is empty, I don't really know. But as long as it's good for me, I'm doing it!
School starts at 2PM today (talk about unnecessary), but I'm gonna head there earlier so that I can eat lunch and blog a little more for you guys!
Here's comes a little style inspiration from one of my favourite style bloggers Scent Of Obsession. This is a really casual outfit, apropriate for work, school or just running some errands. Feel comfy and look absolutely stylish, all at the same time!
Imagine if MOnday's didn't exist, wouldn't that be great? Or if it was a weekend day? I wish...
For now it's school on the schedule, with a Spanish presentation about a song after lunch. I'll have to stand in front of half the class and talk in Spanish about the song I picked, the artist and why I picked the song.
I'm so nervous! It doesn't feel like I know what I'm gonna say and I hate it. I always feel like this before an oral presentation like this one, but it usually goes better than you expect it too, so I have hope.
After school today I'm gonna go shoe-shopping, since i broke the zipper on my right shoe yesterday. Hopefully there be some gorgeous warm boots to cover my footies. I can't decide if I should go for long or short ones though... We'll see, if I find some I'll post the pictures.
One of my bigger passions in life is interior design. I just love to completely transform a room, make it represent the person who lives there in the best possible way. Sadly, I haven't had that much experience in the subject, since the only room I've redone is my own. But now after I've done it I feel so much happier being there, being able to look around and like what I see. Knowing that I've achieved it all by myself is a great plus aswell.
I'd really love to do more of this, to get the chance to create a home, just how I'd like it to be. Therefore I just can't wait until I get to move out and find my own place, it's going to be incredible to be able to decide and decorate verything just how I like it. If I have the luck to live with my dear friend Agnes, it's gonna be even more fun. Since we have quite a similar taste in furniture and details and stuff, it's not gonna be hard for us to come along. To share it all with someone who's equally excited about it, now that's amazing!
Here are some pics that really get my creative mind going!
I stayed at home today, Friday's horse-riding class must have taken a toll on me. It was really cold and I didn't have enough clothes on to keep me warm, so I felt literally like an ice cube during the class. Then during yesterday's work I constantly had a headache, no matter how many pain pills I took, it just wouldn't go away.
So here I am now, blogging, doing some last editing on the Marketing assignment and just trying to enjoy the last free day before school starts again tomorrow.
Here are some pics from this morning.
Breakfast was the usual, vanilla tea with lactosfree vanilla yoghurt and Paulüns müesli.
About a year ago, when designing my room was the biggest interest, I was always in search for beautiful pictures to put on my walls. Even though I went for something completely else (a sort of "wall of fame" of my biggest "idols"), these pictures were on the top of all my lists for a long time.
Yes, that's me over here! Thursday this past week I gota call from mom, asking me if I'd like to help out at the university she works at. Appearently, the people working with exams and such stuff were underarmed with personell for these huge exams that were due today. So I took the job, not only for the money's sake, but also for the experience and being able to expanding that CV of mine.
So today was the day when the exams took place. I had to get up really early in the morning (not so fun on a Saturday) so that I*d be at Stockholm University before 8AM. Thank God for my amazing dad, who offered to give me a ride, so instead of a trip that would've taken over a hour, it took us less than 30 minutes.
When I got there I got to prepare for the exam, placing out answer sheets, questions and so on. Then the students came and took the test. It started at 9AM and ended at 2PM, so it was a really long exam. I got a short lunchbreak in the middle, so I didn't die of hunger.
After it all was over my incredible dad picked me up and took me home and here I am. I'm gonna try to get some homework done, but I can't promise anything, I feel exhausted!
Yesterday when I got home I had two packages waiting for me. The first one was from Nashara, my friend who lives the Netherlands, we send letters and small gifts ti eachother from time to time, the old fashioned way. It's really fun actually to open your mailbox and see a letter to you inside. To know that a person has actually taken time to write a letter to you by hand, it's something special and unfortunately not so common these days when everything happens fast and by different types of electronics.
The second package was my dress from I was so excited opening it up! I tried it on right away, and it fitted! Thank God, I was so worried it would be to small, but it looks really good. I love the color! Hope it goes well with someone of the masks I have in mind, then it'll be perfect. Can't wait to get to wear it!
Today school started just a few minutes ago, so I had quite a lot of time this morning to sleep and make a delicious breakfast. This time it was a banana-mango smoothie with almond milk. Yummy!
Hope you guys have a great day!
The dress. The light is terrible, so the color looks a lot greener and darker.
The first impression, or the overall picture, is very important when it comes to work. People tend to respect those who dress appropriatly more than those who come in sweats and hoodies (are there evebn any of you out there?). But let’s be clear: I'm not saying a standout blazer or a killer pair of heels will directly translate to a bump in your pay scale. However, I do think that the right workplace wardrobe will increase your confidence, elevate how others see you, and make you look the part of upper management. And it can’t hurt, right?
Caroline Issa
It is allowed to experiment with prints, just keep the color palette limited to ensure a professional effect and not make anyone angry because of your love of daring colors.
Anne-Laure Mais of Adenorah
When it comes to patterns, a grid print feels fresher than plaid, yet is still workplace-appropriate. For a classic look, go for a black/navy and white mix.
Sara of Collage Vintage
Red exudes confidence and power—never a bad thing in the workplace. But if you're going to a job interview and meeting the people there for the first time, I'd go for a blue color, since blue often means that you're put together, responsible and trustworthy.
Kate Davidson Hudson
You can get away with wearing a sleeveless blouse in a conservative office environment by topping it with a classic blazer. It's super stylish aswell, and perfect for warmer days, when a coffee with friends after work is common.
It's the best thing in the wolrd, yoga. I'm totally serious, there isn't a better feeling than when you get out of class and you feel sooo flexible and strong, I LOVE IT!!! If you haven't tried it I definately think you should, just once. If it's not something for you, I'm sorry. But if it is, then you'll thank me for introducing you to it!
But bfore I went to yoga class that started at 7.30 PM, I watched the newest episodes od "Pretty Little Liars" and "Ravenswood". Amazing! Can't wait to see what they have in store next!
Now I'm watching a bit of the "Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2013" and it's actually better this time. I guess I had a bit too high expectations first time I saw it, but know I really think it's a lot better.
Imagine if I someday got to be on the show, that would be just beyond this world!
Have a great night!
Not feeling guilty at all here, eating Exotic Snacks before going to work out... *ehm*
Beautiful model Cara Delevingne has gotten a lot of attention this last year and has been rated as one of the most desirable and asked for models. This time she's starring in Mulberry's Spring/Summer campaign, looking absolutely gorgeous. All the bags are to die for, and I would for sure get many of them if I got the money.
The campaign has a romantic/Alice in Wonderland theme, love it!
Morning! Hope you all slept well, I for sure did. I've been dreaming a lot lately, wonder why...
Anyway, today I thought I'd give you some tips that will help you wake up with soft skin, bright eyes, perfect waves and more. The best part? All of the magic happens while you slumber, giving a whole new meaning to the term “beauty sleep.”
1.) Soften For a pampering overnight treatment, apply Vaseline to the soles of your feet and put on socks before you sleep. The socks help bind the moisture to your feet and you’ll wake up to soft, smooth soles. A perfect cure during this time of the year!
2.) De-puff If you constantly wake up with puffy, swollen eyes, try this simple switch: Add an extra pillow and sleep on your back. This will allow the fluids around your eyes to drain easier and keep the puffiness to a minimum. And of course, don’t forget your eye cream. Look for creams that list caffeine as one of the ingredients—it will help keep fluids moving.
3.) Create waves To wake up with perfect waves, simply shower at night and style your hair before bed. Allow your strands to air dry until they’re damp, and run some light styling crème through with your fingers. Depending on your hair type and what kind of waves you prefer, you can either sleep in braids or twist your hair into buns. Don’t be afraid to experiment! Bed head has never looked so good.
4.) Moisturize Ladies with dry skin, take note: A humidifier might just change your skin forever. Turn one on before you sleep (this works best during colder months when the air is drier) and let it work its magic. It instills the air with moisture, which in turn helps plump your skin and keep it hydrated.
5.) Prevent wrinkles Sleeping on a cotton pillowcase can cause creases on your skin and create wrinkles. Instead, pamper yourself by investing in a silk or satin one. It will lessen the pressure on your skin and help prevent hair breakage. This is a tip I've recently started with.
6.) Whiten teeth For an easy DIY whitening treatment, try brushing some baking soda on your pearly whites right before bed. Leave the mixture on for 5-6 minutes and make sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards. This is a perfect PM beauty treatment because in the waking hours, you would normally have to wait about 50 minutes before eating or drinking anything afterwards. Just make sure you are only doing this once a week; any more, and the acid in baking soda can wear down your tooth enamel.
7.) Brighten It’s best to apply any face products that have brightening ingredients like retinol and vitamin C in them at night. Sunlight can actually deactivate them and prevent them from working to their fullest potential.
8.) Lengthen lashes Give your fluttery lahes some loving with a DIY lash lengthening treatment. The secret ingredient? Castor oil. This natural oil is rich in super-hydrating omega-6 fatty acids, which help moisturize your lashes and prevent breakage. Using a clean spoolie, gently brush the castor oil through your lashes each night. In the morning, just rinse with warm water and wash your face as usual. You should notice healthier lashes in just a few weeks!
9.) Repair Smooth a leave-in conditioner into your locks before you snooze to wake up to shiny, soft strands. Applying it in the evening gives treatment more time to penetrate into your hair cuticles for optimum moisture. (For a great natural alternative, try coconut oil.)
10.) Smooth Nail beds looking dry? Apply cuticle cream or oil before you sleep and slip on gloves afterwards. You’ll wake up to healthy, hydrated nail beds. Now you just have to decide on the perfect polish color…
Shakira - Can't Remember To Forget You feat. Rihanna
Yesterday, Monday the 13th, Shakira's and Rihanna's new collaboration product was released. The song is called "Can't Remember To Forget You" and is more Shakira's style than Rihanna's, but with a bit rockier sound than we're usually used to when it comes to Shakira. When describing it more professionally, you could say that it's a mix of pop, reggae and rock, a very interesting and different combination. For me, I think it's the kind of song that you don't like that much in the beggining, but the more you listen to it, the better it gets. So even if you don't feel like you love it from the first second I think you should give it a chance, but that's entirely up to you. I'm guessing this song will be playing on all kinds of radio channels pretty soon, and I'm really looking forward to the music video, that's gonna be really interesting.
Fun fact, the Swedish singer/songwriter Erik Hassle had a finger in making the song. You didn't expect that, huh?
This day started quite early for being a Tuesday, usually I wake up at half past eight, but today it was an hour earlier. This because I wanted to get to school before my classes started so that I could catch up with yesterday's "Paradise Hotel" and work a bit on the project we have in Marketing. I don't know if I've told what it's about, but basically we got a company called Wallenstam that works with real estate and we're supposed to do an analysis of the company. This contains many different parts and the whole thing is supposed to be around 19 pages, so you can understand that it's a lot of work, especially since we're basically only two people in my group when others are 3-4. But hey, what can you do but just smile and carry on, right? There's really no point in being negative, it only makes your life look worse.
The last post was dedicated to the Golden Globes in general, with winners and fashion in lots. Now it's time for my 6 favourite looks from this year's awards!
Emma Roberts looks flawless in this beautiful and classic black gown. Keeping the hair and make-up simple, the dress really gets to make the impression, with a pair of beautiful light blue earrings to top off the outfit.
Jennifer Lawrence in Dior, do I have to say anything else? The dress is simple, yet outstanding, with a very interesting design that can make anyone yealous of miss Jennifer's figure. In my personal opinion, the eye make-up is a tiny bit to heavy, but otherwise a gorgeous outfit!
Lousie Roe in an incredible red dress that matches her hair and skintone flawlessly. You may or may not remember this beautiful Bristish fashionista that's appeared in the second season of "The City", hosted her own show called "Plain Jane" and written tons of fashion articles for Vogue UK, Elle UK and so on. I think that this look is one of my absolute favourites this year, I mean just look at her!
Mila Kunis looks like a goddess in Guci Premiére's silvery gown. She's keeping everything else simple, focusing on the amazing work on the top part of the dress, with some gorgeous flowers and a bit of sparkle!
Olivia Wilde was also wearing a Gucci Premiére dress, pulling this look off even more glamorously than Mila Kunis. This gorgeous bottle green dress is the perfect choice for Olivia, highlighting her tall figure, beautiful hair and that amazing bone structure of hers that anyone can get jealous of. And of course, the baby bump. This is my other absolute favourite look of this year. Have you ever seen a more beautiful and glowing woman?
Sarah Hyland in Georges Hobeika is going for a more natural and soft look this year. The beautiful pink color really accentuates her beautiful hairdo, keeping it simple yet gorgeous braid. Even though I don't really agree with her stylists' chioce of make-up, I think she pulls it off quite well.
Yesterday it was time for the 71st Golden Globes. Packed with all different kinds of celebrities, fashion and gossip it's definately one of my favourite events of the year. Whole Hollywood gets extra glammed up, people prepare for it for months and finally it's time to walk down the red carpet.
So how did it all look yesterday? I'm so glad you asked, because here are yesterday's winners and glamour!
Best film, drama "12 Years a Slave"
Best female actress, drama Cate Blanchett, "Blue Jasmine"
Best male actor, drama Matthew McConaughey, "Dallas Buyers Club"
Best film, musical or comedy "American Hustle"
Best female actress in film, musical or comedy Amy Adams, "American Hustle"
Best male actor in film, musical or comedy Leonardo DiCaprio, "The Wolf of Wall Street"
Best animated film "Frozen"
Best foreign film "The Great Beauty"
Best female supporting role in film Jennifer Lawrence, "American Hustle"
Best male supporting role in film Jared Leto, "Dallas Buyers Club"
Best film director Alfonso Cuaron, "Gravity"
Best screenplay Spike Jonze, "Her"
Best film composer Alex Ebert, "All is Lost"
Best film track "Ordinary Love," "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom"
Best tv-series, drama "Breaking Bad"
Best female actress, tv-series, drama Robin Wright, "House of Cards"
Best male actor, tv-series, drama Bryan Cranston, "Breaking Bad"
Best tv-series, musical or comedy "Brooklyn Nine-Nine"
Best female actress in tv-series, musical or comedy Amy Poehler, "Parks and Recreation"
Best male actor in tv-serie, musical or comedy
Andy Samberg, "Brooklyn Nine-Nine"
Best miniseries "Behind the Candelabra"
Best female actress in miniseries Elisabeth Moss, "Top of the Lake"
Best male actor in miniseries Michael Douglas, "Behind the Candelabra"
Best female supporting role in miniseries or tv-film Jacqueline Bisset, "Dancing on the Edge"
Best male supporting role in miniseries or tv-film Jon Voight, "Ray Donovan"
I was really happy that "American Hustle" won 3 awards, I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie, it seems so good! A bit bummed though that Zooey Deschanel didn't win the "Best female actress in tv-series, musical or comedy", I really think she deserved it.
Now, to the fashion!
Amy Adams in Valentino
One of the two hostesses, Amy Poehler in Stella McCartney
Yesterday's sick feeling really came through tonight, had a huge headache and felt really sick, so I'm staying home from school today. I feel a bit better no, compared to last night, and hopefully this is just one of those one-day things that blow over quite fast. I really have to get to school tomorrow, since we're finishing this huge project in Marketing.
Anyway, yesterday (or the night between yesterday and today) was the Golden Globes! I'm so excited to watch it, just have to find a good link, which I haven't yet. So watch out for a post covering all the gorgeous fashion these evens have to offer. I will also be doing a list of winners and maybe add some videos, we'll see.
Ugh, I'm incredibly sorry that I haven't been updating this whole day. I know it's no excuse, but I've actually been super busy. The only reason why I'm updating now is that I'm just about to go to sleep, so I thought that a few minutes more or less won't matter that much (plus I feel really guilty for not updating).
This morning started with going to church. Then I went to the city to do some dress-shopping for my friend Ammi's 18th birthday party, that has a theme called "Masquerade". This basically means that you have to wear a dress (if you're a girl) and a mask. Now I had spotted a mask before today, but I didn't really want to buy it before I had a dress, in case they wouldn't go well together. So I spent the day searching for a dress. I visited seriously every store and didn't find anything that felt and looked right. So I went home empty handed. Well, not really maybe, did go to the hairdresser to cut my hair. Not that much, just the ends, and now my hair looks a lot healthier and this will hopefully help my bangs to grow out faster.
When I got home I wasn't to bummed about the bad luck (even though my feet hurt really bad). I went online to to look what they had to offer and man, they have a LOT of dresses. I managed to narrow it down to four dresses, then mom had to come and help. We ordered a beautiful bottle green lace dress that hopefully will look great on me. Now the only thing missing is the mask! But I'll have more time for that later.
Now I have to sleep, feel a bit sick but hopefully I'll be able to go to school tomorrow.
Night night!
Such a beautiful morning (!) sky
At the hairdresser. For those who wonder, I cut my hair at PUB Styling.
Love this dress, hope it looks good on me. You can buy it here.
The other day I was doing a bit of research to figure out some beauty mysteries that have been puzzling me for ages. What I found was pretty interesting, so I decided to share it with you today. What I discovered was that it doesn’t take a private eye to realize that these issues might actually be your body sending you more serious messages. Here are the true meaning behind seven common beauty issues you might have…
1. If your nails are thick, brittle or yellow… It could mean that you need to take a break from using chemicals like soaps and nail polish removers on your hands. To fix this, wash your dishes while wearing rubber gloves and use polish remover without acetone. This symptom could also mean that you are not getting enough protein or iron in your diet.
2. If you have severe acne… It could mean that certain organs in your body need a little extra attention. When I say “severe acne,” I’m not talking about the occasional breakouts during that time of the month or hormonal pimples. If you have extreme acne that never clears up, it could mean you have certain food allergies, you’re not drinking enough water, or you’re eating too much junk food that’s upsetting your digestive system. Breakouts on certain areas of your face mean certain things (it’s called “face mapping”), see my post about it here!
3. If you have excessive hair growth… Might mean that you were blessed with fast growing hair (lucky you). But if you notice fast hair growth all over your body, it may be due to a serious medical condition called PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). This condition can mean you have a major hormonal imbalance, so if you notice extra hair showing up all over your body you might want to consult a doctor. But no need to panic either—everyone’s bodies are different.
4. If you have excessive hair loss… On the other hand, if your hair is thinning at an alarming rate (think an average of 100 hairs a day), the causes could be everything from your birth control to antidepressants to diabetes. If you eat a healthy diet and have a great hair-care regimen but notice tons of strands coming out when you brush your hair, you might want to see a doctor. If you’re on birth control or anti-depressants, they might tell you to switch to a different brand of medication. Excessive hair loss can also be linked to skin issues, so you might want to see your dermatologist too.
5. If you break out in hives… Hives that show up once in a while in the form of patches of a red, itchy rash can mean that you have an allergic reaction to food, lotions, or just about anything else your body has recently come into contact with. But chronic hives that never leave can mean a more serious condition. It could actually be the warning sign of a serious liver infection. If this sounds familiar to you, your first step is to stop taking antihistamines immediately, as they will overload your liver. Then, go see your doc ASAP.
6. If you notice small red bumps on the backs of your arms… You might have a stubborn rash known as Keratosis pilaris that is only treatable with prescription creams and lasers. But it could also mean that you are not getting enough omega-3 oils in your diet. Load up on omega-3-rich foods like salmon, olive oil, and avocados for a few weeks. If the bumps don’t go away, it might be time to make an appointment with your dermatologist.
7. If you wake up with dark circles under your eyes… It could mean you didn’t get enough sleep that night, that you have seasonal allergies or that you are very dehydrated. It's recommended to avoid salty foods, drink up your H20, and see a doctor about seasonal allergy medications if your under eye bags persist.
I hope I've given you some useful information that will help you with whatever problem you might have. The most important thing to remember is that you must listen to your body to really find out what it needs, it might help you make a quick fix and avoid a pricey trip to the doctor’s office. Also, all of the above explanations are simply possibilities of what your body could be going through. As with all medical issues, your symptoms do not mean that you 100% have one of these conditions.
Goodmorning everyone! Oh how I have long for this day! Finally it's the weekend, which means NO SCHOOL FOR 2 DAYS!!!! Hahaha, yeah I'm excited!
After school yesterday I went to the gym for a really quick workout, third time this week. Guess if I feel proud? Hell yeah! Yesterday I also went to a party with the rest of my class,it was quite fun (minus some accidents).
This morning I was woken up by the barking of our neighbours dog, not really the best way to start the day exactly! Also it has snowed sooo much during the night, the world looks like inside a snowglobe. I'll take some pictures so you'll see what I mean. Of course it's fun with snow, but it could've come earlier, like a month ago.
Tomorrow I'm going to the hairdresser, will probably only cut the hair ends, but we'll see, maybe the hairdresser will have some tips?
Here comes your dauly dose of fashion! I've taken a look at Céline's S/S 2014 collection and picked out my favourite looks. A lot of graphic patterns and colors identify Céline's theme this season. What do you think about this trend?
This is basically what I want the year 2014 to be all about and the pictures below are sort of my inspiration board to this year's success and awesomness!
H&M has already launched a part of their spring collection. Below you can see some key pieces that everyone should invest in, if not from H&M then from other stores. Get your wallets ready!
The Spagetti Strap 299 SEK
A stylishtop withthin strapshighlightthe shoulders and armsin a feminineway.This spring'sinterpretation ofthedelicatesilhouettemakes it atastefulneed.
The Oversized Coat 999 SEK This seasons silhouette-oversize.Whenit comes to theaccentcolors,a deepmustard yellowhas been addedto the mix.
The Skater Skirt 349 SEK Thewippyskirt isafunandflirtatioustouchthis season.With differentmaterials and colors,the skirt takes you throughspringwith impeccablestyle.
The Crop Top 299 SEK
Bothboxyandtightversionsof the short top sets the trendthis season.Match withhigh-waistforamoresophisticated look.
The Graphic Sweater 399 SEK Classy,graphicdesignsmakea comeback this spring:squares, circlesandpolygons,is the key tothis season'spattern design.
The Classic Tote 299 SEK The bag isthe accessorythat canmake your wholeoutfit.A blackclassicis the perfectdetailforan impeccableeverydaylook.
The Smoking Jacket 299 SEK Whenthe classicshawl-collar meets sharpcuts thetuxedo jacket becomes trendsettingagain -anindispensable garmentin your spring wardrobe.
The Bodycon Dress249 SEK
Go for afigure huggingandflattering dressthis spring.Withthis season'sanimal print this dress becomes theclosetsbest styleamplifier.
Fluid Trousers299 SEK
Smooth trousers with a fancy fall createsa sleeksilhouette.They are bothcomfortable and stylish andfor the seasonupdated witha graphic print.
The Full Skirt299 SEK
This seasonwe letour eyesgo to thewaist.Refreshthe feminineand wideskirtwithacontrastingmetalbelt.
Goodmorning everyone! Woke up really early today (thanks you so much school!), but was still somehow filled with energy. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've been working out more than usual this week?
Ugh, my legs hurt so much from yesterday's horse riding lesson! You may not think that you exercise that much while sitting on a horse, but you're wrong. At least if you have a quite slow horse that you have to urge all the time!
Either way, the lesson and the preparation before and after it went really well. I was really nervous, but I really didn't have to be. I got a horse that somewhat knew, a mare called Bumblebee that was super sweet and easily let me buff her hooves.
In spirit of being healthy and exercising, here comes some pictures to inspire you all to strive for what's really best for your mind and body!
I'm guessing a lot of girls are known for saying “I have nothing to wear,” yet your closet is about to burst? You do have lots to wear—you probably just can’t find it. Therefore I've made this post, so that you can find what you've forgotten and enjoy the coming fashion seasons.
Tip 1: Edit often and set a cut-off date.
If you haven’t worn an item in the past year, consider it clutter. We have two major exceptions: if something’s an investment piece (store it) or great vintage (again, store it).
Tip 2: Downsize your t-shirt collection.
No one needs to have mounds of t-shirts. Hold onto your favorite seven and donate the others, because let’s be honest, you always go for the one on the top of the pile anyways.
Tip 3: Merchandise your clothing.
To avoid an overwhelming closet, arrange your clothing by category. In other words, group all outerwear together, all tops together, and all pants together for a neat and systematic wardrobe. This will make it very simple when looking for a certain blouse or pair of fitted pants.
Tip 4: Keep your shoes visible.
This one is simple: if you can’t see it, you won’t wear it. If you hide your shoes toward the back of your closet, you will continue to wear the same pairs over and over again. Even out the playing field and show yourself all of your options.
Tip 5: Try color coordinating your handbags.
If you’re anything like us and pack your handbag right before you head out the door, this tip will be your lifesaver. Keep your handbags and clutches organized by color so you can quickly grab the perfect option for your outfit.
Tip 6: Avoid double-hanging items.
It always sounds like a good idea if you’re running low on space or hangers, but we promise this is the quickest way for your closet to swallow your clothes. Sounds familiar? Bet those “missing” items are hanging in your closet right now.
Tip 7: Invest in the right hangers.
Explore your options! Get to know your closet and find out which types of hangers make most sense for your wardrobe. I suggest avoiding wire hangers because they can deform your clothing; instead go for a thin and sleek style that will save very valuable closet space. White wood hangers are my personal favourite.
Morning guys! Today is the first day of school and I couldn't be less motivated. I'm just so tired of school! And to make it even worse, our schedule has changed for this new semester, to the worse. I'm so irritated, it feels like the teachers don't think about us students at all. So my friends and I are going to talk to our program principal about it. Changes have to be made! Until them we all will just have to endure it and make the best out of the situation.
This morning was very nice. I got to sleep much, had a great breakfast (the same smoothie as yesterday) while reading an amazing book.
I just hope the whole day will be like this!
I'm also having my first horseback riding lesson today. I'm so nervous!!! Even though my group is going to be around the same age as me and know about the same things (beginners), I'm anxious about it. I hope it will go well!
I mean, just look at these photos! Can you be more beautiful?!
This month my all time favourite model Candice Swanepoel is on the cover of Vogue Brazil, looking GORGEOUS! Guess if I was excited about these pics? Hell yeah!
They are so dream-like and stunning, it's unbelievable!
WARNING for a LOT of gorgeous photos of my favourite girl Candice.
Hello guys! Sorry for not posting that much stuff yesterday and today, but I've been having so much fun at my besties Agnes' house.
We met up after church yesterday for some coffee at Espresso House, I had a latte with hazelnut flavor and Agnes had a cappuccino. Then we went to H&M, Agnes had to get some stuff and then we went to her place. Firstly we watched the first episode if the third season of Sherlock, such an amazing series, LOVE it!!! Later we had dinner, which was delicious! After that we finally watched Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2013. How I have longed for it! I just love the show, it's so incredible and magical! I don't really know why I hadn't watched it earlier, I just didn't want to watch it alone and I hadn't someone to watch it with... But it was great, not the best one by far (the artists sucked), but it's hard not to love it anyway.
After the VS show we started watching Magic Mike (Channing Tatum and Alex Pettyfer, hello!!!), but we were too tired to watch it all, so we went to sleep at around 3 AM.
Now we've had breakfast and we're a bout to continue with Magic Mike.
Yesterday's coffee
Good morning!
Delicious smoothie for breakfast by Agnes sister, yummy!
When the winter rolls around, the heaters turn on, the sweaters come out, and sure enough, the flyaways go haywire. Static can singlehandedly ruin a good hair day. I recently learned that static happens when the dry winter air gives your hair a positive electric charge, causing hair strands to stand on end. Fortunately, I have some great tips that will help.
1. Oil Up. Rubbing a bit of your favorite hair oil into your tresses will help to weigh down your hair and counteract the electricity. In desperate times, lotion also works in the same way. Just rub a bit on your hands as though you’re using it to moisturize, then smooth it on your hair. Just don’t use too much—you don’t want your hair to look greasy.
2. Go Every Other Day. Just as hair oil will help weigh down your strands, going a day in between washes will allow the natural oils from your scalp to battle the static.
3. Use a Dryer Sheet. According to Yahoo Shine, dryer sheets you use for your laundry can actually reduce static buildup in hair and clothes. You will almost always have one of these at your home and they are easy to carry with you in your purse.
4. Brush It Out. Use a natural fiber brush with a wood handle. Natural fibers like boar bristles help distribute natural oils from your scalp to coat and protect hair.
5. Add In the Moisture. Using a humidifier to add moisture back into the air while you sleep will leave you with calm, tame strands the next morning. And it will keep your skin dewy and hydrated in the dry winter months too!
I promised that I would share my purchases from yesterday's shopping, so here they are! I really love them all, it was a great shopping trip. Can't wait to get to use it all!
White lace top from BIKBOK
Classic black top also from BIKBOK
Structured skirt from H&M
Gold necklace with black stones from BIKBOK
Whiskey leather purse from Fiorelli/Accent
Kabuki brush, smokey eye-brush and eyeshadow all from H&M
You put a lot of thought into your work, play, and even gym outfits, so isn’t it time you turn your attention to what you sleep in? With all of the adorable available options, it’s time to retire your baggy t-shirt and faded sweatpants, and invest in a pair that will make staying in even more appealing.
For those who've been spending their days in Sweden know exactly what I mean.
I read about something called face mapping not too long ago, and was quite impressed by it actually. Face mapping is a combination of modern dermatology and and ancient Chinese medicine, and the idea is that there's a connection between your internal organs and different zones of your face.
Without further ado, ehre's what your breakouts are telling you in 5 zones of your face...
1. Forehead. Breakouts across the forehead are often triggered by stress or sleep deprivation. Make sure to get 7 to 9 hours of beauty rest a night to keep your forehead clear.
2. Above the brow. The area above the brow is affected by your immune system. Breakouts here tend to happen right before, after, or during a cold or flu. If you notice a breakout in this zone, slow down for a couple days, drink plenty of water and immune boosting foods like mushrooms, strawberries and carrots.
3. Between brows. Breakouts between the brows can be caused by overindulgence of unhealthy foods or a food allergy. Cutting back on sugar, dairy, rich foods, and alcohol can help clear up skin in this zone.
4. Cheeks. Your cheeks are linked to your respiratory system. Smoking or breathing polluted air can cause breakouts here.
5. Side of chin. The sides of your chin are affected by hormones. Breakouts here occur around the time of your period and happen on one side or another depending on which ovary is ovulating that month.
During the holidays in Lithuania I did more than visit family and friends, eat a lot of delicious food and watch a ton of movies. I did some shopping aswell! Therefore I thought I'd show you some things that I bought during my time there.
This teal peplum top from New Yorker
This cardigan from Vero Moda
These face masks from Beauty Formula and Nivea
And these lovely muffin forms, love the pattern!
I also bought a foundation from Maybelline New York called Fit Me, and a mascara from L'oréal Paris called False Lash Telescopic. I guess you've heard of them both.
I did some shopping today aswell, but I'll show you tomorrow. Went to the gym again too, really nice.
Yes, it's cheesy, I know. But somehow I still find this time the best one to start with new things, make the new year better than the last one. I know everyone makes these resolutions, even if they say they don't, so here's a list of mine!
At around 1 PM I met up with Annelie and Jennifer, who's been in Spain for the last 4 months and whom I've missed incredibly much! It was so nice to see them all again. We went for a coffee/lunch at Wayne's Coffee where I bought a delicious berry smoothie. We sat there for about an hour and a half and talked about everything between heaven and earth, remembering old memories and sharing new ones. Then we decided to go to Buttericks, which is a prank/costume/party stuff store, to look for some masks to a masquerade-themed party that is coming up at the end of the month. We found some really pretty ones that doesn't cost a fortune, so I think I'll get mine from there. The one I found especially pretty was a black mask in lace, gorgeous! If anyone who's coming to that party is reading this now, don't buy it. It's mine!
After that and some other stores we felt this incredible craving for some coffee, so we went to Espresso House. This time I went for an another juice, this time a green one that consisted of apple, kiwi and pear (I think) and a nut bar. Yummy! After about another hour and a half, we had to say goodbye for another long period of time and head home.
When I got home I went directly to the gym, which was almost empty, so that was super nice! Love it when there's almost no one around, feels like your own private gym, hahaha! Then after 2 hours I did some grocery shopping, went home, had dinner, finished packing up and here I am. All ready to go to bed quite soon, I have quite a busy day ahead of me, so I better get some rest.
My delicious berry smoothie.
Me and beautiful Annelie. The light was terrible, therefore the horrible look.
Yes guys, you heard right. Our all time favourite fashionista is newly engaged to Johannes Huebl, boyfriend since five years. They're such a beautiful and stylish couple, I'm really happy for them both!
Johannes proposed to her on a romantic holiday to St Barts on Wednesday.
The German model, 27, quickly took to Instagram to share a cute video of her showing off her impressive diamond ring.
He wrote: "Happy New Year to everybody and this is how we celebrate it: OP said Y E S."
The video shows beautiful Olivia, dressed in a romantic white dress, playfully running away from the camera while looking back at it.
She then stops and holds her hand up to her face to display the large rock Johannes proposed with.
The couple has been dating since 2008 after being introduced through mutual friends.
Olivia previously put the success of their couple's five-year relationship down to a mutual respect and admiration, while Johannes admitted they have a "old romantic" approach to love.
She said in an interview with ELLE Magazine: "I think that we grow together. I think that I'm constantly learning, and we're both eager to learn about not only each other, but our interests."
Johannes added: "I think we have a very conservative, old romantic, private approach to our love."
Olivia starred in the reality show The City, a spinoff from The Hills, for two seasons from 2008 but now concentrates on modeling, her fashion line and her fashion blog.
It's true what they say, there's really no place like home! Even though you have a great time, meeting family and friends that you haven't seen for a long time, there's no better feeling than when you fall asleep in your own bed. That's exactly what I could feel happy about yesterday. Even though I love it there in Lithuania, I also love coming home from it.
So yesterday was all about travelling. Fortunately our plane didn't take off until 5 PM, so we didn't have to wake up too early. We had breakfast, packed our bags, I ran to the drugstore to get some final things and then we were off to Sweden! Everything went by smoothly and we were home at 8 PM. I had a super quick dinner and then it was off to bed!
Hope you guys have had a really nice Christmas break so far!
Happy New Year everybody! Hope you all celebrated the beggining of the new year properly. For me, it was all about family. It all started at round 8PM, we had a delicious dinner and then it was time for the annual tv shows, every channel has their own. We watched one, played some cards, saw a tiny bit of "Victoria's Secret Fashion Show" and welcomed the new year together, with music and champagne. The new year is a great time to begin new things, it may be a new lifestyle, eating healthier or to stop smoking (cliché).
Whatever you decide it's time that you started with, I wish you the best of luck and may 2014 be the best year ever!